Associate Professor, Human Performance Lab Manager
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Human Performance - Exercise Physiology
- Classification:
- Faculty
- BS, Exercise Physiology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 1990
- MS, Exercise Physiology, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 1991
- MBA, Business Administration, Waynesburg College, Waynesburg, PA, 2002
Additional Info
Currently teaching:
EXPH 240 Medical Terminology
EXPH 475 Industry Organization
EXPH 491 Human Performance Lab Internship
EXPH 696 Graduate Seminar
EXPH 680
EXPH 672 Graduate Internship, Clinical Rotations Coordinatory
EXPH 681
About Diana Gilleland
- 1991 Exercise Physiologist, Pittsburgh Corporate Health, Morgantown Energy Technology Ctr., Morgantown, WV
- 1996-1997 Exercise Consultant & Sales Representative, Nordic Track, Inc. Morgantown, WV
- 1997-2000 Exercise Physiologist, WVU Ruby Memorial Hospital, Cardiac Rehab, Morgantown, WV
- 1991-2004 Exercise Physiologist, Monongalia General Hospital, Cardiac Rehab, Morgantown, WV
- 2004-present Asst. Professor, West Virginia University School of Medicine, Exercise Physiology Division, Morgantown, WV
Summer 2004 - Present: Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) Management/Clinical Service
- Manage HPL faculty staffing schedule for HPL, and Aquatic Therapy Program 2004-present (Instructional Student Lab 2004-2005)
- Manage HPL schedules for graduate assistants, master students, internships students, work-study students, and volunteers. 2004-present
- Direct weekly HPL Staff Meetings, documentation of minutes, and follow up on topics of discussion or action to be taken. Provide communication to those staff members not present. 2004-present
- Development of communication system within the HPL staff regarding client incidents, reporting of incidents/untoward events, and the follow up of such. 2004-present
- Management of the daily activities, scheduling of clients for various appointments, act as liaison/coordinator between HPL and other WVU departments to provide services not normally available in HPL (such as blood work done at WVU Hospital, consulting with Sports & Exercise Psychologist, and consulting with Dietitan), work with department accountant and management of procurement process, billing process, client accounts receivable, documentation of equipment maintenance, etc. 2004-present
- Maintain documentation and follow up of HPL staff and student required qualifications, mandatory inservices (HIPAA, OSHA, CPR, ACLS, etc.) and recommended certifications. 2004-present
- Provides OSHA Training for Dept. of Human Performance and Applied Exercise Science students.2004-2006
- WVU Adult Wellness Program, 2004-present
- Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation, 2004-present
- Fitness After 60 Program 2004-present
- Special Populations Exercise Program 2004-present
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation, 2004-2005
- PEIA Weight Management Pilot Program, 2004-present
Spring 2007
- EXPH 493 E - Business for Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 61 students Sole Instructor
- EXPH 460 - Co-Instructor for Honor's Undergraduate Pathophysiology Contract Course, 2 Students
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation, 8 students; and HPL, 35 student Interns)
- MEXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation, 1student; and HPL, 15 student Interns
- Instructor for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 51 total students (Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Academic Advising for 53 Exercise Physiology students (1Freshman, 7 Sophomores, 8 Juniors, and 26 Seniors)
Summer I & II Semesters 2007
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages Cardiac Rehabilitation Interns, 4 students; and HPL Interns, 8 students)
- EXPH 672 - Masters Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages Cardiac Rehabilitation Interns, 5 students; and HPL Interns, 15 students)
- Instructor for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 24 total students (Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Academic Advising for 53 Exercise Physiology students (1 Freshman, 7 Sophomores, 8 Juniors, and 26 Seniors)
Fall Semester 2007
- EXPH 475 - Industry Organization in Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 70 students Sole Instructor
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages Cardiac Rehabilitation Interns, 6 students; and HPL Interns, 14 students)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages Cardiac Rehabilitation Interns and HPL Interns, 16 students)
- Instructor for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 24 total students (Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- ACE 476 Fitness Internship Site Supervisor (for RN working on BS degree)
- Academic Advising for 55 Exercise Physiology students (19 Freshman, 7 Sophomores, 9 Juniors, and 20 Seniors)
Spring 2006
- EXPH 493 E - Business for Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 61 students Sole Instructor
- EXPH 493H - Co-Instructor for Honor's Undergraduate Pathophysiology Contract Course, 1 Student
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 44 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Academic Advising for 46 Exercise Physiology students (4 Freshman, 17 Sophomores, 21 Juniors, and 4 Seniors)
Summer I & II Semesters 2006
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 26 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
Fall Semester 2006
- EXPH 493 E - Business for Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 65 students Sole Instructor
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 50 total students (Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- **Recruitment of 3 new Internship Sites (2 in state of West Virginia and 1 in Ohio)
- **OSHA Training Program (Organized, coordinated, and implemented switching of OSHA from paper pencil to use of online access on SOLE)
- Academic Advising for 54 Exercise Physiology students (13 Freshman, 9 Sophomores, 14 Juniors, and 18 Seniors)
Spring 2005
- EXPH 493 E - Business for Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 60 students The only Instructor for this course
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 30 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Advising for 32 Exercise Physiology students (16 Freshman, 8 Sophomores, and 8 Juniors)
Summer I & II Semesters 2005
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 5 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
Fall Semester 2005
- EXPH 493 E - Business for Exercise Physiology, 3 credits, 52 students The only Instructor for this course
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 40 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Weight Management Program, Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Academic Advising for 16 Freshman, 30 Sophomore, 8 Junior Students
Summer I & II Semesters 2004
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 8 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
Fall Semester 2004
- EXPH 491 - Undergraduate Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- EXPH 672 - Master Level Professional Field Experience (Internship) Co-Coordinator (Manages the Cardiac Rehabilitation and HPL Interns)
- Instructor & Manager for Human Performance Laboratory (HPL) (Orientation to Internship Program, organization of program activities, and evaluation process, management and enforcement of Internship schedules) 30 total students (PhD Graduate Assistant, Masters Graduate Assistants, Masters Student Interns, Undergraduate Student Interns) Daily instruction on HPL techniques, etc. Human Performance Laboratory equipment usage and maintenance, Bod Pod and Skinfold measurements, Stress testing procedures, Client injury prevention and management, Vital sign monitoring, Infectious waste management, Flexibility and exercise instruction, 12 lead EKG usage, Exercise prescription for Adult Fitness, Cardiac Rehabilitation, Special Populations, Pulmonary Rehab, and Human Performance Lab Emergency Plan
- Academic Advising for 38 Freshman Students 2004
- EXPH 475 - Industry Organization in Exercise Physiology, New Course approved, 2007
- Completed "Application for Approval of a New Course" (EXPH 493E to be EXPH 475) and submitted to Faculty Senate, Submitted 2006
- Liaison from Exercise Physiology collaborating with the WVU College of Business and Economics for their "Letter of Approval on EXPH 475, Industry Organization in Exercise Physiology", 2006-2007
- Development and implementation of all course and lecture material for EXPH 493E-Business for Exercise Physiology 2005, (revised 2006)
- Conducted full investigation into the academic dishonesty (2) cases of HPL Interns and followed up appropriately, Summer I & II 2006
- Research and development of curriculum and course work for Exercise Physiology 493E "Business for Exercise Physiology", Fall 2004-2005
WVU Committees
- Serve as a member of Division's Master of Science Admissions Committee 2005-present (active role in selection process of admitting students)
- Serve as a member of Division's Honor's Program Committee 2005-present (active role in mentoring honors student 2006, 2007)
- Serve as a member of Division's Professional Ethics Committee 2004-present (active role in reinforcement of SOM Codes of Conduct & Ethical Behavior)
- Serve as a member of Division's Curriculum Committee 2004-present (ongoing role in the Undergraduate curriculum changes, implementation of required ACSM Health & Fitness KSA's, and now the development of a new Master's track and redesigning of the current Master's Clinical Track)
- Serve as a member of Human Performance Department's Clinical Education Committee 2004-present (ongoing role in recruiting new Internship Sites, Corporate Compliance Issues at the Federal, State, and Institutional Levels for Internship Sites)
- Serve as a member of Division's "EXPH Handbook Committee" 2006 (coauthored the "Professional Appearance and Dress" and "Statement of Professional Behavior and Conduct" sections, and helped with other sections)
- Serve as a member of Human Performance Department's Search Committee for Coordinator of Clinical Operations Clerical position 2006 (wrote the job description for the 20 hr/week portion of the position, developed Interview outline to insure all are interviewed equally, actively interviewing currently)
- Served as a member of Division's Faculty Search Committee 2005 (actively interviewed for position of Assistant Professor in EXPH)
- Served as a member of School of Medicine's Search Committee for Chairperson for Exercise Physiology Division 2004-2005 (actively contributed to the interview process and questions to be asked, as well as participated in the Interviews)
State Committee
- PEIA Weight Management Program Round Table Planning Committee, Charleston, WV, August 17, 2006
- PEIA Weight Management Program Present WVU's Program, Beckley, WV, Oct 20, 2006
- PEIA Weight Management Program Standards Committee, Nov 30, 2006
- PEIA "Fitness Benefit" meeting, Flatwoods, WV, Dec 13, 2006
Other Services:
- Certified Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Instructor Provides AHA BCLS courses for WVU Students, Faculty, Staff and Community members, 2004-present
- American Heart Association's Red Dress Kick Off, "Go Red", Radisson on the Waterfront, Morgantown, WV, Feb 2007
- Volunteer with U.S. Postal Service, Measurement Study, 2007
- President of the Board, Chestnut Tree Townhome Owner's Association, 2007
- Mon Health System's Health Fair, Recruiter for Cardiac Rehab Services Booth, Morgantown Mall, 2005- present
- WVU Student Health Advisory Board's Annual "Spring Fitness & Wellness Fair" education booth, WVUH Lobby, 2006
- PEIA Public Hearing Meeting, provided blood pressure screens, Morgantown Ramada Inn, 2006
- Mentor for fist-year Medical Students (Physical Diagnosis & Clinical Integration Course I) 2005
- Accepted appointment as a 'Community Member' of the Mon Health System's Diabetes Task Force, 2004, 2005
- "Professional Programs Tent" for Exercise Physiology Alumni, 2004, 2005
- Represented WVU Exercise Physiology Div. at the 'WVU Information Fair' 2004, 2005
- Attended quarterly and annual professional meetings of state organization, West Virginia Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 2004, 2005, 2006
- Attended annual professional meeting of national organization, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. 2004, 2006
- Represented WVU Exercise Physiology Div. at the "Majors Information Day" 2004, 2005
- Health Science & Technology Academy demonstrator/educator for 90 High School Students "HSTA Hands on Evening" 2005
- Participated in the WVU Diabetes Health Fair 2005
- 1991-Current Advanced Cardiac Life Support American Heart Association
- 1993-Current Certified Instructor - Basic Cardiac Life Support American Heart Association
- American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- West Virginia Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
- American Heart Association Mended Heart Support Group
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Jan. WVU Faculty Development Program, "Increasing Diversity Among Health Care Professionals"
- May, West Virginia Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation Conference, Flatwoods, WV 9.6 Contact hours (2 days) - May-June, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO 27 hours CMEs
- June, WVU HSC CLBC "Introduction to SOLE for Course Documentation and Instruction
- September, American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilition Annual Meeting, Charleston, WV, 22 Contact Hours
- Oct. WVU Faculty Development Program "Building & Sustaining Teams"
- Oct. WVU Faculty Development Program "Setting Goals for Professional Development"
- Feb. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), West Virginia Center for Rural Emergency Medicine, Morgantown, WV, 16 CE Hours
- April "Scholarship & Innovation in Education", West Virginia University Faculty Development Workshop, Morgantown, WV Attended:
- Interdisciplinary Teaching
- Collaborative Clinical Teaching
- Professionalism
- Mentoring
- April "Anticholinergic Therapies & Their Role in Treatment of COPD" by Dr. Benzo, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Morgantown, WV, 3.0 Continuing Education Hours
- June "Living Longer & Better", West Virginia University Conference on Nutrition & Wellness, Morgantown, WV, 20 contact hours
- Oct. "Use of Plavix in Stent Placement Therapy" by Dr. McKnight, Bristol Myers Squibb, Morgantown, WV, 1 contact hour"
- May "12th Annual Meeting & Conference" West Virginia Assoc. of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Flatwoods, WV, 9.6 contact hours (2 days)
- Sept. "Faculty Development Workshop on Technology Information", WVU Office of Information Technology, Kathy Fletcher
- Sept. "Public Health Workforce Development: Where We've Been and Where We're Going", Center for Public Health Practice, University of Pittsburgh, WVU Ground Rounds
- Oct. "19th Annual American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) Meeting and Convention, Long Beach, CA 19.5 Continuing Education contact hours
- Nov. "Write Winning Grants", Grant Writers Seminars and Workshops LLC
- Nov. "Diabetic Neuropathies: Current Treatment Strategies" Joslin Diabetes Center Satellite Broadcast CME Network at Mon General Hospital 1.0 Continuing Education contact hour
- Jan. "Cardiovascular Risk Management" Tele., Univ. of Texas Health Sc. Ctr.
- Mar. "Insulin Management", PRIMEDIA Healthcare Tele., 1.2 Contact Hours
- Mar. "Facilitating Diabetes Self Care" Tele., Univ. of Texas Health Sc. Ctr.
- Mar. "AHA Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Course" West Virginia Nurses Assoc. 15.1 Contact Hours
- April "Comprehensive Care & Management of Diabetes" Tele., Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, 4.0 CEU
- April "The Role of the Diabetes Educator in Preventing Diabetes" West Virginia Assoc. of Diabetes Educators and West Virginia Nurses Assoc. 1.5 CEU
- May "Restenosis and Drug Eluding Stents", Health Stream, 2.0 Contact Hours
- May "Practical Strategies for Improving Documentation of Physician Supervision in Your Program" AACVPR Teleconference., 1.0 CE
- May WVACVPR Conference, Flatwoods, WV, (3.3+6.0 2 days) 9.3 CE
- Oct. "Getting Tough on Angina" Teleconference, Preventive CV Nurses Assoc.
- Jan. "Bringing the Dean Ornish Program to West Virginia" by West Virginia University, 1.2 Contact Hours
- Mar. "The First Symposium on Peripheral Vascular Disease" by AACVPR, Georgia, 7 CEU
- April "The Role of Diabetes Education In Preventing Diabetes" American Assoc. of Diabetes Educators, 2.0 CEU
- April "Insulin Management & Intervention in Illness: Clinical Perspective" by The Joslin Diabetes Center, 1.2 Contact Hours
- May "Efficacy of Popular Weight Loss Diets in Diabetes Management" Comprehensive Care and Management of Diabetes by University of Texas Health Sc. Ctr., 1 Contact Hour
- Oct. "Bridging the Gap with Education: Diabetes Symposium and Workshop" WV Extension Service & West Virginia Extension Assoc. of Family and Consumer Services, 2 days (~10 contact hours)
- Dec. "Management of Hypertension in Patients with Diabetes" Comprehensive Care and Management of Diabetes by University of Texas Health Sc. Ctr., 1 Contact Hour
- Jan. "International Guidelines 2000 for CPR and ECC Instructor Training" Rollout Course of AHA
- March "Diabetes Education - Making the Rubber Hit the Road", Comprehensive Care and Management of Diabetes by University of Texas Health Sc. Ctr., 1 Contact Hour
- Spring "Health Care Law and Ethics", Waynesburg College, 3 College Credits
- April "Diabetes, Obesity, and Women: Is the ADA Diet Counterproductive for Women?" Women and Health Care Issues and Trends by University of Texas Health Sc. Ctr. 1.2 Contact Hours
- June "Insulin Resistance: Cardiovascular Risk and Therapeutic Intervention" by The Endocrine Society 1.5 Contact Hours
- July "Insulin Resistance in Cardiovascular Treatment" by American Diabetes Association for Educators 1.5 CE )
- Nov. "New Technological and Pharmacological Advances for Diabetes Management" Comprehensive Care and Management of Diabetes by University of Texas Health Sc. Ctr., 1 Contact Hour
- Oct. "Beta Blocker Use in Acute Myocardial Infarction and Congestive Heart Failure" by West Virginia Medical Institute 2.1 Contact Hours
- Oct. "Managing Heart Failure" by PESI HealthCare, LLC 7.6 Contact Hours "HIPPA" Training MGH
- Mar. 2000 "Exercise Physiology, Testing & Prescription - MW" by Academy Medical Systems, Inc. 6 CEs
- June 2000 "Risk Management 2000 & Beyond" American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation, Morgantown, WV 1 Contact Hour
- Sept. 2000 AACVPR 15th Annual Convention Tampa, Florida 18.9 CEs
- Dec. 1999 "Managing Cardiac Emergencies" PESI HealthCare, Inc. 6.25 Contact Hr
- May 1998 "Special Topics in Cardiopulmonary Disease Prevention and Rehabilitation" Heart Health of Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center 6.0 CEs
- Oct. 1998 "ACLS Providers Course" by American Heart Assoc. and WVU Hospitals 16.4 Contact Hours
- Dec. 1998 "Risk Factor Management in the Life Cycle of the Diabetic Patient" Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX teleconference, 1.5 CE
- Mar. 1997 "Intracoronary Stent Placement" Long Island Jewish Medical Center 2 Credit Hours
- April 1997 "Restraints" West Virginia Nurses Assoc., Morgantown, WV 2.2 Contact Hours
- April 1997 "Reducing Thrombotic Complication Following Intracoronary Stent Placement" Long Island Jewish Medical Center 1.0 Credit Hour
- May 1997 "How to Manage Stress" Fred Pryor Seminars 0.6 CE
- April 1996 "Exercise Physiology, Testing & Prescription" Academy Medical Systems, Inc. 6 CE
- July 1996 "ACSM Annual Meeting" Cincinnati, Ohio, 37 CEs
- Nov. 1995 "Customer Service" MHS Education Services Dept. & WVNA 2.4 Contact Hours
- May 1993 "Cardiac Review" SCIMED Life Systems, Inc., 2 Contact Hours
- May 1993 "Care of the PTCA Patient" SCIMED Life Systems, Inc., 1 Contact Hour
- May 1993 "Mechanisms of PTCA" SCIMED Life Systems, Inc., 2 Contact Hours
- April 1992 "ACSM Exercise Physiology Workshop" by University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, Wisconsin 29 Contact Hours
- Oct. 1991 "Basic Arrhythmias" by West Virginia's Nurses Assoc. 4.8 Contact Hours
- Nov. 1991 "ACLS Providers Course" by American Heart Assoc. and the WVNA 21 CEs
- Clinical/Adjunct Faculty Appointment, West Virginia University, School of Medicine, Division of Exercise Physiology, Internship Program Clinical Instructor, 1994-2004
- Exercise Physiologist/Consultant for ExerCenter (Employee's Exercise Center at Monongalia General Hospital) 1997-2004
- Educator/Presenter for Diabetes Self-Management Program, Mon General Hospital, 2001-Present
- Educator/Presenter for Vital Signs Wellness Program at Mon Health System, 1994-2004
- Educator/Presenter for TARGET (Tobacco & Alcohol Resistance Gets Everybody Together) County Program for all Middle Schools, 1997-2004
- Exercise Consultant for Lifestride Community Walking Program at Mon Health System (MHS) 2004-1991
- Presenter for Kidstride Walking Program, MHS Partner's in Education with Brookhaven Elementary School, Brookhaven, 1996-2004
- Educator/Presenter on "Women and Heart Disease" for Professional Women's Group "Soroptimist"of Morgantown, 2004
- Educator/Presenter for "Exercise and Heart Failure", CHF Program of the Life Care Learning Center, MHS, 2001-2003
- Educator/Presenter for Diabetes Adult Support Group, MHS, 2002-2003
- Educator/Presenter for Heart Care Center Classes, (Cardiac Support Group) MGH 1991-2003
- Guest Speaker for WVU Exercise Physiology Students, Careers in Cardiac Rehab. 2001-2003
- Educator/Presenter for "Exercise is for Everyone", Vital Signs Wellness Program, MHS 2001
- Educator/Presenter for "Diabetes and Exercise" presented to MHS Diabetes Self Management Program, 2000-2004
- Educator/Presenter on "How to Start an Exercise Program" presented to Mon County School Teachers, Morgantown, WV, 2003
- Educator/Presenter on "Activity is for Everyone" MHS 2001
- EEducator/Presenter on "How to Start an Exercise Program for Heart Patients" presented to Mended Hearts, American Heart Association (AHA) 2000
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise and Hypertension" for Heart Care Center Support Group MHG 1998 and 2000
- Educator/Presenter on "Safety and Exercise" for Residents of the (Retirement) Village at Heritage Pointe, Morgantown, WV 2000
- Educator/Presenter on "It's Your Health" for Lifestyles Issues, Vital Signs Wellness Program at MGH 1999
- Educator/Presenter on "Aging Women" for WVU Center on Aging 1999
- Educator/Presenter on "Maintaining Cardiac Fitness" for Life Care Learning Center MGH 1999
- Educator/Presenter for "Heart Health Project" for North Elementary School, Morgantown, 1998
- Educator/Presenter for "Healthy Eating" Bruceton County Schools, WV 1998
- Guest Speaker on "Vital Signs" WAJR Public Radio Talk Show, 1996 and 1997
- Local Spokesperson for "The National Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity" (NCPPA), Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "Weight Training, Getting Started" for Heart Care Center Support Group and MHS employees 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "Stretching for Underground Coalminers, Truck Drivers, at Your Desk, and Pilots" & Health Screenings for Anker Energy 1995-1998
- Educator/Presenter on "Winter Fun" MHS Employee Wellness Program 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise and Aging" MHS 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "How to Get the Most from Your ExerCenter" 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "Rev Up Your Heart" MGH Heart Care Center 1996
- Exercise Leader "Stretching at the Trail" MHS 1996
- Educator/Presenter on "Drugs and Tobacco" to Brookhaven Elementary School, for Director of Volunteer Services at MGH 1995
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise and the Chronologically Gifted" for Heart Care Center Support Group MGH 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise to Help Prevent Osteoporosis" MHS 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "When Enough is Enough" for American Heart Association Mended Hearts Support Group, Heart Care Center 1998, and MGH Employees 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise and Children" for MGH Employees 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise" for Mon County Board of Education 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "How to Start a Walking Program for Cardiac Patients" 1993, MGH 1994
- Educator/Presenter on "Exercise in Warm Weather" Heart Care Center Support Group, MGH 1992
- Cardiac Quality Team member , MGH 2003-2004
- Diabetes Task Force member , Mon General Hospital 1999-2004
- 'SuperUser' for Cerner Computer Information System (Staff Educator for implementation of new system-wide patient charting) 2003-2004
- Coordinator for "Ticker Kicker" Support Group for Internal Cardiac Defibrillator patients 2001-2004
- American Heart Association Instructor for BCLS and 'Friends and Family-CPR for Public 1996-2004
- Author for Diabetes Newsletter "Sweet Talk" at MHS on Diabetes and Exercise 2000-2003
- Company Leader for American Heart Assoc. Walk-A-Thon 2001-2003
- Department Leader for American Heart Assoc. Walk-A-Thon 1992-2003
- Board Member for Life Care Learning Center, Mon Health System 2000-2003
- One-on-One Tutor for Foreign Student in the WVU Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program 1999-2001
- Lecturer for Scott's Run Settlement House, "Exercise for Seniors" 2001
- Presenter for 'Career Day' at Brookhaven School, March 2001
- Presentation and Instruction on "Exercise Benefits" at Kennedy Federal Corrections Institution, for Dr. Waters, Morgantown, WV Sept. 2001
- Presenter for Senior Mons., Senior Center High St., Morgantown, WV, on 'Stretching, Diabetes and Exercise, and Benefits of Weight Training' 1994-2004
- Health Fair Coordinator for 'Heart Care Center Exhibit'and 'Lifestride Exhibit' Mon Health System 2000
- Provided Exercise Consultations and Corporate Screenings - Eastern Energy Gas Co. in Pennsylvania and Charleston, WV, Vital Signs of MHS 1998
- Member of the "Fitness Trail Task Force" at Monongalia Health System 1996
- Presented Exercise Consultations and Corporate Screenings at Anker Energy 1995
- Provided Exercise Consultations and Community Screening, Lions Club 1995
- Developed, implemented, instructed and managed the Community Exercise Program at the United Methodist Church of Point Marion, Pennsylvania 1997-1998
- Committee Member of Monongalia County Tobacco Control Coalition, 1995
- Author for "Heart Care Center Digest" Newsletter at MGH 1991-1995
Research Program
Exercise Physiology
Grants and Research
- 2007, Co-Investigator, "Assessing quality-of life, BMI, and exercise mode preference in patients with type 2 diabetes enrolled in a supervised exercise program".
- 2007, Co-Investigator for research on PEIA Client Follow-Up w/Sport and Exercise Psychology
- 2006, 2005 Primary Investigator, "A Weight Management Program with Costs Shared by Patients and Insurance Improves Adherence and Compliance" (wrote the Proposal, development and implementation of program)
- 2005, 2004 Co-Investigator, " Determinants of Exercise Endurance in COPD" (Dr. Ricardo Benzo, Dr. Anne Swisher, Danny Bonner, Dr. Rachel Yeater), assisted in stress testing and administering exercise program to patients with COPD
- 2006, ACSM Journal, "A Weight Management Program with Costs Shared by Patients and Insurance Improves Adherence and Compliance"
- 2007, PEIA WMPP, over $14,000 in funds collected ( thru Sept.)
- 2006, PEIA WMPP, over $11,000 in funds collected ( thru Nov.)
- 2005, Public Employee's Insurance Agency (PEIA) Pilot Program on Weight Management (WMPP) Contract accepted by PEIA November 2004 $775/client x 22 clients thus far = $17,050 (funds collected)
Presentations/Guest Speaker
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 693C – Exercise Prescription & Testing I:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseaes. Lecture on“Special Conditions and
Clinical Applications for Cardiac Patients” - Certified American Heart Assoc. Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Instructor
Provide AHA BLS for Adult and Infant & AED courses for WVU Students,
Faculty, Staff and the community, 2004-present
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 693C – Exercise Prescription & Testing I:
Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseaes. Lecture on“Special Conditions and
Clinical Applications for Cardiac Patients” - WVU, Guest Speaker for PT 724, Dr. Swisher’s Physical Therapy Class on
“Healthy Living and Exercise for Obese Patients - Chestnut Ridge Church, IMPACT Singles group lecture, “How to Start an
Exercise Program and Why” - Presenter at Easton Elementary School, Morgantown, WV, “Health & Science
Fair, HPL & PEIA Programs” for teachers, parents and students 2010 - Guest Speaker for State of West Virginia Teachers of Monongalia County
Board of Education, “The PEIA Weight Management Program” 2010
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 293b, Jim Thomas’s Class “Cardiac Rehab as a
Career Choice” - WVU, Guest Speaker for PT 724, Dr. Swisher’s Physical Therapy Class, “Special
Conditions for Exercise with the Obese Population”
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 102, Jim Thomas’s Class “Cardiac Rehab as a
Career Choice” (January) - AHA, Mountain State Mended Hearts Chapter #209, Speaker
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 673 Exercise Prescription, Dave Donley’s Graduate
Level Class, “Special Conditions and Application” (February 18) - Community Diabetes Support Group, Guest Speaker on “Exercises for Diabetes
Patients”, January 10th. - WVU, Guest Speaker for PT 724, Dr. Swisher’s Physical Therapy Class, March
17th, co-teach with Anne on “Obesity”.
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 293b, Jim Thomas's Class "Cardiac Rehab as a Career Choice" (January 23)
- WVU, Guest Speaker for PT 724, Dr. Swisher's Physical Therapy Class "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Exercising Patients with Metabolic Disorders" (January 26)
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 673 Exercise Prescription, Dr. Gordon's Graduate Level Class, "Special Conditions and Application" (February 12
- National Level, Presenter for ACSM, "Thematic Poster Presentation - 'A Weight Management Program with Costs Shared by Patients & Insurance Improves Adherence & Compliance", Denver (June 2)
- State Level, Presenter for WVACVPR, "PEIA Weight Loss Program - How to Start in Your Cardiac Rehab Facility", Charleston (May 11)
- State Level, Presenter for State of West Virginia Public Employee's Insurance Agency, "Weight Management Adherence and Compliance Issues" Beckley, WV, (October)
- Community Level, Presenter for Preston County Community Diabetes Education Support Group, "How to Start an Exercise Program"(April 27)
- Community Level, Presenter for Terra Alta Wellness Center, "Cardiac Disease and Obesity" (March 2)
- WVU, Guest Speaker for PT 724, Dr. Swisher's Physical Therapy Class "Exercise Programming for Obese patients" (January 26)
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 293b, Jim Thomas's Class "Cardiac Rehab as a Career Choice" (January)
- WVU, Guest Speaker for EXPH 673 Exercise Prescription, Dr. Gordon's Graduate Level Class, "Exercise Prescription for Cardiac Rehab Patients" (Feb)
- State Level, Presenter at West Virginia Assoc. of Cardiovascular & Pulmonary Rehabilitation (WVACVPR): "Introduction to PEIA Reimbursement Procedures for Weight Management Programs in the State", Quarterly Meeting
- State Level, Presenter at WVACVPR 12th Annual Conference on "Cardiac Patient Education"
- Community Level, Presenter to Mon Health System's Diabetes Self-Management Program, "Diabetes and Exercise
Additional Info
Current research:
Parkinson's Boxing Project
Eye Matrix Project