- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology
- Classification:
- Clinical Faculty
Valerie A. Watson, John B. Barnett and Rosana Schafer. 2000. In Vivo Cytokine Production and Resistance to Infection after Acute Exposure to 3,4-Dichloropropionaniline. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 60: 391-406
Thompson HA, Chen S-Y, Suhan ML and Watson V. 1999. Genetic transformation of Coxiella burnetii: origins, vectors and recombination. Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases at the Turn of the Third Millenium 74-83.
Benson, W.H., I.S. Snyder, V. Granus, J.V. Odom, and M. Macsai. 1993. Tetanus Prophylaxis Following Ocular Injuries. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 11(6): 677-683.
Wieder, R.K., G.E. Lang and V.A. Granus. 1987. Sulphur transformations in Sphagnum-derived peat during incubation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 19: 101-106.
Wieder, R.K., G.E. Lang and V.A. Granus. 1985. An evaluation of wet chemical methods for quantifying sulfur fractions in freshwater wetland peat. Limnology and Oceanography 30: 1109-1115.
Additional Info
Academic Interests
My role as a member of the Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Cell Biology faculty is unique and diverse.
Teaching: I coordinate and teach:
- MICB 200, a 3-credit undergraduate Microbiology course for allied health majors, each semester
- MICB 323, a 5-credit Microbiology course for students in the Medical Laboratory Science program, each Spring semester.
- MICB 327, a 2-credit Parasitology course for students in the Medical Laboratory Science program, each Spring Semester
- Parasitology in several other medical microbiology courses.
- Immunology in PT714 course.
Microbiology Labs: I coordinate and:
- provide instruction in the Microbiology labs for all Department Microbiology courses.
- am active in teaching the Parasitology labs and some lectures in the "Clinical Tropical Medicine and Parasitology" course offered each summer by the Global Health Program.
- organize and supervise graduate students in their Department teaching assignments.
- am directly responsible for the supervision of one laboratory assistant in the preparation of media and reagents for classes and research.
- am also responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Media Prep Lab, which includes maintaining stock cultures and providing cultures for classes and research.
My research activities include collaborative studies with Department investigators and with medical personnel at Ruby Memorial Hospital.
I am also the INBRE/HSTA Coordinator in the IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence.
Additional Info
Curriculum Vitae
B.S, Microbiology, The Pennsylvania State University, 1982
M. S., Microbiology & Immunology, West Virginia University, 1996
Professional Experience
Research Technologist II, Biology Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV. 1983 -1989.
Supervisor, Microbiology Media Prep Lab, Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 1989-present.
Lecturer, Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 1997- 2004.
Senior Lecturer, Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 2004-2008.
Teaching Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Immunology & Cell Biology Department, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV. 2008-present.
Committee Responsibilities
Chemical Hygiene Office, 1997-present
Social Justice Liaison, 2000-present
Strategic Planning Committee, 2011- present
School or University:
WV-INBRE / HSTA Coordinator, 2009 -present
Member of Administrative Core of WV-INBRE program, 2009-present
INBRE/HSTA task force, 2011-present
Medical Laboratory Science Junior Faculty Search Committee, 2007
Medical Laboratory Science program Admissions Committee, 1998-present
Medical Laboratory Science program Academics Standard Committee, 2011-present
Global Health Program Advisory Committee, 2003-present
Valerie A. Watson, John B. Barnett and Rosana Schafer. 2000. In Vivo Cytokine Production and Resistance to Infection after Acute Exposure to 3,4-Dichloropropionaniline. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A 60: 391-406
Thompson HA, Chen S-Y, Suhan ML and Watson V. 1999. Genetic transformation of Coxiella burnetii: origins, vectors and recombination. Rickettsiae and Rickettsial Diseases at the Turn of the Third Millenium 74-83.
Benson, W.H., I.S. Snyder, V. Granus, J.V. Odom, and M. Macsai. 1993. Tetanus Prophylaxis Following Ocular Injuries. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 11(6): 677-683.
Wieder, R.K., G.E. Lang and V.A. Granus. 1987. Sulphur transformations in Sphagnum-derived peat during incubation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 19: 101-106.
Wieder, R.K., G.E. Lang and V.A. Granus. 1985. An evaluation of wet chemical methods for quantifying sulfur fractions in freshwater wetland peat. Limnology and Oceanography 30: 1109-1115.
Microbiology: A Systems Approach. 2006. Majorie Kelly Cowan and Kathleen Park Talaro, McGraw-Hill Publishing. Authored case study and questions at start of Chapter 3.
Nominated for School of Medicine’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2009 and 2010
Received Outstanding Lecturer in Module 3 of “Clinical Tropical Medicine & Parasitology Course, Summer 2004