Associate Professor
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Pediatrics
- Classification:
- Faculty
- MD, Southwestern Medical School, 1981
- Projects
- Clinical Pathway for 23-24 6/7 weeks premature – Texas Children’s Hospital 2014 -2015.
- Comprehensive Project to teach intubation skills to learners – Texas Children’s Hospital 2014-2015
- Publications
- Gest, A.L., Moise, A.A., Hansen, T.N., and Kaplan, S.: The effects of arginine vasopressin on hemodynamics and fluid balance in lambs. Am. J. Physiol. 256 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 25):H641-H647, 1989.
- Gest, A.L. and Moise, A.A.: Fetal circulation and changes occurring at birth. In: The Science and Practice of Pediatric Cardiology. Edited by Garson, A., Bricker, J.T., and McNamara, D.G. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
- Hernandez, L.A., Peevy, K.J., Moise, A.A. and Parker, J.C.: Chest wall restriction limits high airway pressure induced lung injury in young rabbits. J. Appl. Physiol., May 66(5):2364-2368, 1989.
- Peevy, K.J., Hernandez, L.A., Moise, A.A. and Parker, J.C.: Barotrauma and microvascular injury in lungs of non-adult rabbits: effect of ventilation pattern. Crit. Care Med., 18:634, 1990.
- Gest, A.L., Hansen, T.N., Moise, A.A. and Hartley, C.J.: Atrial tacycardia causes hydrops in fetal lambs. Am. J. Physiol. 258 (Heart Circ. Physiol. 27):H1159-H1163, 1990.
- Gest, A.L., Martin, C.G., Moise, A.A. and Hansen, T.N.: Reversal of venous blood flow with atrial tachycardia and hydrops in fetal sheep. Ped. Res. 28:223-226. 1990.
- Landers, S., Moise, A.A., Fraley, J.K., Smith, E.O. and Baker, C.J.: Factors associated with umbilical catheter-related sepsis in neonates. AJDC 145:675-680 1991.
- Moise, A.A., Gest, A.L., Weickmann, P.H. and McMicken, H.,W.: Reduction in plasma protein does not affect body water content in fetal Sheep. Pediatr. Res. 29:623-629, 1991.
- Moise, A.A., Wearden, M.E., Kozinetz, C.A., Gest, A.L., Welty, S.E., Gunkel, J.H., and Hansen, T.N.: Antenatal steroids are associated with less need for blood pressure support in extremely premature infants. Pediatrics 95:845-850, 1995.
- Sarman, G., Moise, A.A., Edwards, M.S.: Meningeal Inflammation in Neonatal Gram-Negative Bacteremia. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. Pediatr. Infec. Dis. J 14:701-04, 1995.
- Hubert, H., Bijou, M., Moise, A., Rosenblatt, H., Gresik, M., and Ogden, A. Positive antiglobulin tests following gammaglobulin infusion: A potential complication. Int Pediatr. 11(5):267-270, 1996.
- Gaglani,M., Moise, A., and Demmler, G: Neonatal radiology casebool. Retropharyngeal abscess in the neonate. J Perinatol 16(3Pt 1):231-3, 1996.
- Keshen,T., Fursoy,M., Shew S., Smith E., Miller R., Wearden M., Moise, A., and Jaksic, T.: Does extracorporeal membrane oxygenation benefit neonates with congenital diaphragmatic hernia? Application of a predictive equation. J Pediatr Surg 32(6):818-22, 1997.
- Mandy, G., Moise, A., Smith, E., and Hansen, T.: Endotracheal continuous positive airway pressure after rescue surfactant therapy. J Perinatol 18: 444-8, 1998.
- Hudon, L., Moise, K., Hegemier, S., Hill, R., Moise, A., Smith, E., and Carpenter, R.: Long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after intrauterine transfusion for the treatment of fetal hemolytic disease. Am J Obstet Gynecol 179:858-63, 1998.
- Perez, E., Cooper,T., Moise, A., Ferry, G., Weisman, L.: Treatment of obstructive jaundice in erythroblastosis fetalis with ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA): a case report. J Perinatol 18(4):317-9,1998.
- Bejjani, B., Oberg, K., Wilkins, I., Moise, A., Langston, C., Superti-Furga, A., and Lupski, J.: Prenatal ultrasonographic description and postnatal pathological findings in atelosteogenesis type 1. Am J Med Gen 79:392-395, 1998.
- Parellada, J., Moise, A., Hegemier, S., and Gest, A: Percutaneous central catheters and peripheral intravenous catheters have similar infection rates in very low birth weight infants. J Perinatology 19 (4): 251-254, 1999.
- Adcock LM, Waterlman LS, Hegemier S, Moise AA, Speer ME, Constant CF, Goddard-Finegold J. Clin Perinatol. 1999 Dec; 26(4): 893-903, ix.Reviews PM ID 10572728. Neonatal Intensive care applications of near-intrared spectroscopy.
- Kopelman, A., Moise, A., Holbert, D., and Hegemier, S: A single very early dexamethasone dose improves respiratory and cardiovascular adaptation in preterm infants. J Pediatr 135: 345-50, 1999.
- Reply Kopelman AE, Holbert D, Moise AA, J Pediatr. 2000 Oct; 137(4): 591-2 PM ID 11035851.
- Mandy G, Malkar M, Welty SE, Brown R, Shepherd E, Gardner W, Moise A, Gest A. Tracheostomy placement in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Safety and outcomes. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2013 Mar;48(3):245-9.
- Fallom SC, Cass DL, Olutoye OO, Zamora IJ, Lazar DA, Larimar EL, Welty SE, Moise AA, Demny AB, Lee TC. J Pediatr Surg. 2013 Jun; 48(6): (172-6. doi: 10 1016/ j.j.pedsurg. 2013. O3. 008. PM ID 23845603 Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernias on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): does early repair improve patient survival?
- Hundalani SG, Nguyen KT, Soundar E, Kostousov V, Bomgaars L, Moise A, Hui SK, Teruya S. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2014 June; 15(5): e 198-205. Doi: 10.1097/DCC. PMID 24614609. Age based difference in activation murhers of coagulation and fibrinolysis in extracorporal membrane oxygenation.
- Abstracts
- Moise, AA Landers, S., S., Fraley, K. and Garcia-Prats, J.: Colonization and infection of umbilical catheters in newborn infants. Clin. Res. 34:258A, 1986.
- Landers, S., Moise, A.A., Fraley, K., Garcia-Prats, J.: Umbilical catheters surveillance cultures in newborn infants. Clin. Res. 34:257A. 1986.
- Moise, A.A., Landers, S., Fraley, K., and Hansen, T.N.: Colonization and infection of umbilical catheters in newborn infants. Pediatr. Res. 20:400A, 1986.
- Landers, S., Moise, A., Fraley, K., and Hansen, T.N.: Umbilical catheter surveillance cultures. Ped. Res. 20:399A 1986.
- Moise, A.A., Gest, A.L., and Hansen, T.N.: Atrophine prevents the bradycardia associated with arginine vasopressin infusion in newborn lambs. Clin. Res. 35(1)51A, 1987.
- Gest, A.L., Martin, C.G., Moise, A.A., and Hansen, T.N.: Atrial Pacing in Fetal Sheep Causes Reversal of Venous Flow, Elevated Plasma Arginine Vasopressin, and Hydrops. Ped. Res. 23(4)1307, 1988.
- Moise, A.A., Gest, A.L., and Hansen, T.N.: Hypoproteinemia in Fetal Sheep Does Not Result in Hydrops. Ped. Res. 23(4)1307, 1988.
- Peevy, K.J., Hernandez, L.A., Moise, A.A., and Parker, J.C.: Barotrauma Associated Microvascular Injury After Ventilation with Short Inspiratory Times (IT) and High Peak Pressure (PIP). Ped. Res. 23(4)2189, 1988.,
- Moise, A.A., and Eslein, S.G.: Effect of Tunicamycin on Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells Under Shear Stress. FASEB A1903, 1991.
- Moise, A.A., Wearden, M.E., Welty, S.E., Kozinetz, C.A. and Hansen, T.N.: Treatment of hypotension in a 24 week premature infant: a national survey. Ped. Res. 226A, 1993.
- Moise, A.A., Wearden, M.E., Kozinetz, C.A., Welty, S.E., and Hansen, T.N.: Antenatal steroids reduce the need for blood pressure support in extremely premature infants. American Academy of Pediatrics. October 1993.
- Mandy, G.T., Moise, A.A., Smith, E.O., Hansen, T.N.: Prematures greater than 31 weeks with HMD can be managed with CPAP after rescue surfactant. J. Invest. Med., 43(S1):18A, 1995.
- Parellada, J.A., Hegemier, S.E., Gest, A.L., Moise, A.A.: Percutaneous central lines do not have a higher infection rate than peripheral IV’s in neonates. J. Invest. Med., 44(1):16A, 1996.
- Wafelman, L.S., Adcock, L.M., Moise, A.A., Hegemier, S.E., David, Y., Speer, M.E., Goddard-Finegold, J.: Near infrared spectroscopic (NIRS) estimations of cerebral blood flow in very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Pediatr. Res. 39(4):226A, 1996.
- Parellada, J.A., Hegemier, S.E., Gest, A.L., Moise, A.A.: Percutaneous central lines and peripheral intravenous catheters have similar infection rates in very low birth weight infants. Pediatr. Res. 39(4):236A, 1996.
Honors and Awards
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital Neonatology Attending of the Year 2009-2010.
- Excellence in Teaching Award - The Ohio State University College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics. June 7, 2007
- Graduated Summa Cum Laude Texas A&M University, Alpha Lamda Delta Honor Society.
- Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. 1980
- Awarded Texas Merit Scholarships. 1977-1980
About Alicia Moise
Dr. Alicia Moise was born and raised in Houston, Texas. She attended Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, Texas then completed a Pediatrics residency and Neonatology fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine. She has been a board-certified neonatologist for 30 years. She began her career doing basic pulmonary and fetal physiology research, then moved to clinical research. She served as ECMO director at Texas Children’s Hospital, medical director of the NICU and delivery service at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women. From 2000 to 2010, she was a physician-educator with extensive delivery room experience at Ohio State University NICU and Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Her current interests include management of the extremely low gestational age infant and delivery room care.
Patient Care Information
Medical Specialties
- Pediatric Neonatology
- Pediatrics