Assistant Professor/Clinical Neuropsychologist
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry
- Classification:
- Faculty
Assistant Professor
- Organization:
- West Virginia University School of Medicine
- Department:
- Department of Neuroscience
- Classification:
- Faculty
- PhD, University of Houston, 2014
- MA, Pepperdine University (Los Angeles, California), 2007
Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Newton, T.F. & De La Garza, II, R. (2017). Cocaine use patterns do not impact neurocognitive functioning in individuals with cocaine use disorder. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31, 989-995. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28695777
Mahoney, III, J.J., Bajo, S.D., De Marco, A.P., Arredondo, B.C. & Broshek, D. K. (2017). Referring providers’ preferences and satisfaction with neuropsychological services. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 32, 427-436.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28164213
James J. Mahoney PhD III, Colin N. Haile MD, PhD, Richard De La Garza PhD II, Harsh Thakkar BS, Thomas F. Newton MD, Electrocardiographic characteristics in individuals with cocaine use disorder, The America Journal on Addictions/Volume26, Issue 3. http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0824-1776
Mahoney, J. J. III, Kalechstein, A. D., De Marco, A. P., Newton, T. F., & De La Garza, R. II. (2017). The relationship between premorbid IQ and neurocognitive functioning in individuals with cocaine use disorders. Neuropsychology, 31(3), 311-318. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/neu0000344
Anthony P. De Marco, James J. Mahoney III , Paula A. Aduen , Jennifer Langer,Stephanie D. Bajo, Donna K. Broshek., The relationship between the Neuro-Quality of Life Depression and Anxiety Measures and the Personality Assessment Inventory in persons with epilepsy, Epilepsy & Behavior, Volume 70, Part A, (May, 2017) 145–149, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.yebeh.2017.02.008
Mahoney, III, J.J., De Marco, A.P., Aduen, P., Langer, J., Bajo, S.D., & Broshek, D. K. (2017). The relationship between neuro-quality of life depression and anxiety measures and the Personality Assessment Inventory in persons with Epilepsy. Epilepsy and Behavior, 20, 145-149.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Haile, C.N., De La Garza, II, R., Thakkar, H., & Newton, T.F. (2017). The relationship between heart rate and demographic/drug use variables in individuals with cocaine and methamphetamine use disorders. American Journal on Addictions, 26, 221-227.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Newton, T.F. & De La Garza, II, R. (2017). Cocaine use patterns do not impact neurocognitive functioning in individuals with cocaine use disorder. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 31, 989-995.
*Abbreviated list from 45 total peer-reviewed published manuscripts
Mahoney JJ, Kalechstein AD, De Marco AP, Newton TF, De La Garza R (2017) The Relationship Between Premorbid IQ and Neurocognitive Functioning in Individuals With Cocaine Use Disorders. Neuropsychology. doi: 10.1037/neu0000344
Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., De La Garza, R. II, & Newton, T.F. (2007). A qualitative and quantitative review of cocaine-induced craving: the phenomenon of priming. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 31, 593-599.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D. De La Garza, II, R., & Newton, T.F. (2008). The presence and persistence of psychotic symptoms in cocaine- versus methamphetamine-dependent participants. American Journal on Addictions, 17, 83-98.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Hawkins, R.Y., Kalechstein, A.D., De La Garza, II, R., Newton, T.F. (2010). The relationship between gender and psychotic symptoms in cocaine-dependent and methamphetamine-dependent participants. Gender Medicine, 7, 414-421.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Jackson, B.J., Kalechstein, A.D., De La Garza, II, R., Newton, T.F. (2011). Acute, low-dose methamphetamine administration improves attention/information processing speed and working memory in methamphetamine-dependent individuals. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 35, 459-465.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Jackson, B.J., Kalechstein, A.D., De La Garza, II, R., Chang, L.C., Newton, T.F. (2012). Acute modafinil exposure reduces daytime sleepiness in abstinent methamphetamine-dependent volunteers. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 15, 1231-1249.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Jackson, B.J., Kalechstein, A.D., De La Garza, II, R., Shah, R., Nerumalla C.S., Newton, T.F. (2012). The effects of the benzodiazepine, temazepam, on neurocognitive functioning and sleep patterns in methamphetamine-dependent participants. Journal on Addiction Research and Therapy, S1, 2-5. http://www.omicsonline.org/2155-6105/2155-6105-S1-007.digital/2155-6105-S1-007.html
Mahoney, III, J.J., Newton, T.F., Omar, Y., Ross, E., De La Garza, II, R. (2013). The relationship between lifetime stress and addiction severity in cocaine-dependent participants. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 23, 351-357.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Verrico, C.D., Arnoudse, N., Shapiro, B.A., De La Garza, II, R. (2014). Preliminary Findings of the Effects of Rivastigmine, an Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor, on Neurocognition in Cocaine-dependent Volunteers. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 50, 137-142.
Mahoney, III, J.J., De La Garza, II, R., Jackson, B.J., Verrico, C.D., Ho, A., Iqbal, T., Newton, T.F. (2014). The relationship between sleep and drug use characteristics in participants with cocaine or methamphetamine use disorders. Psychiatry Research, 219, 367-371.
Mahoney, III, J.J., Thompson-Lake, D., Cooper, K., Verrico, C., Newton, T.F, De La Garza, II, R. (2015). A Comparison of Impulsivity, Depressive Symptoms, Lifetime Stress and Sensation Seeking in Healthy Controls versus Participants with Cocaine or Methamphetamine Use Disorders. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29, 50-56.
1. Kelley, B.M, Mahoney, III, J.J., Graybeal, J. (2012). Substance Abuse Across the Lifespan. California: BVT Publishing.
1. Kalechstein, A., Fantegrossi, W. E., Cowan, R. L., Mahoney, III, J. J. (2007). MDMA. In L. A. Bieliauskas (Ed.), Neuropsychology and substance abuse (pp. 171-206). New York: Psychology Press.
2. Mahoney, III, J.J., Voelkel, E.A., Bannister, J.A., Gopaldas, R.R., Dao, T.K. (2012). Psychiatric factors which impact coronary heart disease and influence outcomes post-coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. In Stefano Nazari (Ed.), Front Lines of Thoracic Surgery, (pp. 61-82), Shanghai, China: InTech.
3. Bannister, J.A., Mahoney, III, J.J., Dao, T.K. (2012). Combat related posttraumatic stress disorder – history, prevalence, etiology, treatment, and comorbidity. In Emilio Ovuga (Ed.), Post Traumatic Stress Disorders in a Global Context, (pp. 25-50), Shanghai, China: InTech.
4. Mahoney, III, J.J., Bajo, S., De Marco, A.P., Broshek, D. (in press). Neuropsychology following Brain Injury: Outcomes, Treatment, and Applications. Long Term Neuropsychological Issues of Traumatic Brain Injury.
Additional Info
Professional Abstracts
*Abbreviated list from 77 total abstracts
1. Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Bajo, S., Reno, A., De Marco, A., Broshek, D., Newton, T.F., De La Garza, II, R. (2015, February). The Impact of Premorbid IQ on Cognitive Functioning in Individuals with a Cocaine Use Disorder. International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, CO.
2. Block, C.K., Logue, E., Scarisbrick, D.M., Mahoney, III, J.J., Thaler, N.S., Adams, R., Scott, J. (2015, February). The Interaction Between Medical Burden and Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden on Neuropsychological Function in a Geriatric Primary Care Sample. International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, CO.
3. Thompson-Lake, D., Hernandez, S., Holst, M., Mahoney, III, J.J., Haile, C.N., Newton, T.F., De La Garza, II. (2015, June). An in-depth analysis of cocaine-induced negative subjective effects in humans. College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Phoenix, AZ.
4. Bajo, S.D., Mahoney, III, J.J., De Marco, A.P., Broshek, D.K., Goodkin, H.P. (2015, November). Equestrian sports concussion: High risk associated with equestrian activities warrants supplementation to the Zurich return to play guidelines. National Academy of Neuropsychology, Austin, TX.
5. Mahoney, III, J.J., De Marco, A.P., Bajo, S.D., Reno, A., Langer, J., Aduen, P., Broshek, D.K. (2015, December). Determining the Relationship between Depression and Anxiety Neuro-Quality of Life Measures and the Personality Assessment Inventory in Patients with Epilepsy. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA.
6. Bajo, S.D., De Marco, A.P., Mahoney, III, J.J., Reno, A., Aduen, P., Broshek, D.K. (2015, December). Prospective Memory in Epilepsy: Preliminary Findings. American Epilepsy Society, Philadelphia, PA.
7. Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Bajo, S.D., Aduen, P., Newton, T.F., De La Garza, II, R. (2016, February). The Impact of Comorbid Drug Use and Cocaine Use Patterns on Cognitive Functioning in Individuals with Cocaine Use Disorders. International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
8. Mahoney, III, J.J., Kalechstein, A.D., Salas, R., Bajo, S.D., Aduen, P., Newton, T.F., De La Garza, II, R. (2016, February). Cognitive Functioning in Cigarette Deprived Smokers. International Neuropsychological Society, Boston, MA.
9. Aduen, P., De Marco, A.P., Mahoney, III, J.J., Bajo, S.D., Broshek, D., Rama, A. (2016, August). The Impact of Anxiety and Executive Functioning Deficits on Visual Memory Performance in Epilepsy. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
10. Bajo, S. D., Mahoney, III, J. J., De Marco, A. P., Arredondo, B. C. Broshek, D. K. (2016, June). The Neuropsychological Report: Perspectives from a variety of referral sources. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Neuropsychology, Chicago, IL.
Research Interests
My current research interests involve neuropsychological sequelae related to opioid use disorder and confounding/contributory factors impacting neurocognitive functioning in these individuals. I am also interested in the neurocircuitry of substance us disorders (SUD) and investigating novel treatments, such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), for SUD. My current interests emerged from my previous research work as a Clinical Research Manager at the University of California, Los Angeles and the Baylor College of Medicine where the primary focus of the laboratories was Phase I medication development for stimulant use disorders. During this time, while the primary outcomes of the clinical trials were safety and initial efficacy of the medications, I was able to carve out my own niche that included evaluating whether these compounds impacted cognition as some of these agents had cognitive enhancing properties.
Research Topics:
- Investigating Novel Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder
- Neuropsychological Sequelae Associated with Opioid Use Disorder
Patient Care Information
Special Training
Fellowship, Clinical Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellowship (APPCN Member)
University of Virginia – School of Medicine, 2016 -
Other Speciality Training, Clinical Psychology Internship - Neuropsychology Track
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2014