About Jennifer Ervin
Dr. Jennifer Ervin has expertise in program evaluation, stakeholder engagement, and decision making across multiple sectors, including healthcare. She conducts independent and collaborative quantitative and mixed methods translational research.
Research Associate
- Organization:
- West Virginia University Health Sciences Center
- Department:
- Office of Health Affairs
- Classification:
- Staff
- PhD, Communication, University of Arizona
- MS, Health and Healthcare Research, University of Michigan
- MA, Communication, University of Arizona
- BA, Communication, California State University
Bonito JA, Ervin JN, Staggs S. Estimation and application of the latent group model. Group Dyn- Theories Res. 2016; 20(3), 126-142. doi:10.1037/gdn0000044
Bonito JA, Gastil J, Ervin JN, Meyers RA. At the convergence of input and process models of group discussion: A comparison of participation rates across time, person, and groups. Commun Monogr. 2014; 81(2), 79-207. doi:10.1080/03637751.2014.883081
Bonito JA, Keyton J, Ervin JN. Role-related participation in product design teams: Individual- and group-level trends. Communic Res. 2015; 44(3), 263-286. doi:10.1177/0093650215618759
Conway-Silva BA, Ervin JN, Kenski K. “Reliable Sources” in cable news: Analyzing source networks in coverage of reform policy. Journal Stud. 2020; 21:6, 838-856. doi: 10.1080/1461670X.2020.1724184
Diabes MA, Ervin JN, Davis BS, Rak KJ, Cohen TR, Weingart LR, Kahn JM. Psychological safety in intensive care unit rounding teams. In press at Annals ATS.
Ervin JN. An acceptability pilot of the facilitating active management in lung illness with engaged surrogates (FAMILIES) study. Med. 2020; 99(9), 1-8. doi:10.1094/MD.000000000019272
Ervin JN. Communication expectations of critically ill patients and their families. J Emerg Crit Care Med. 2019; 3:48. doi:10.21037/jeccm.2019.09.02
Ervin JN, Bonito JA. A review and critique of partner effect research in small groups. Small Group Research. 2014; 45(6), 603-632. doi:10.1177/104649641455102
About Jennifer Ervin
In her role with the Office of Health Affairs, Dr. Ervin evaluates policy and program changes that expand and improve behavioral and mental health services in order to keep West Virginia children and youth at home and in their communities. Her ultimate goal is to improve health and wellbeing by promoting efficient, equitable, and effective communication among stakeholders.
Dr. Ervin's past experience honed the expertise that she now shares with her team members at the Office of Health Affairs. She served as a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Critical Care Medicine at the University Pittsburgh, where she studied translational medicine and the use of team-driven, evidence-based practices in the intensive care unit. Following that, she completed a research fellowship in the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Michigan. There, she studied implementation science and completed the National Clinician Scholars Program to obtain a MSc in Health and Healthcare Research.